2009 Paintings

 Berenice Painted with Nuvia Crisol
 Irene Painted with Santos Orellana
 Victor Ochoa
 Quino Big Mountain
 Comandante Ramona
 I see You Painted with Irene Castruita
Eyes of Torero Painted with Santos Orellana

La Vida Es Rara

"La Vida No Es Fea Ni Bonita - Es Rara"
Circa 2006

Dream Analysis

"It Was All A Dream" Circa 2004

West Coasting Painting Tour 2013

 Beautiful Man - Isaias Crow - Miguel Bounce - Shaun Burner - Austin, TX
 Conception of Immaculacy - Isaias Crow - Werc Alvarez - San Diego, CA
Conception of Immaculacy - Isaias Crow - Werc Alvarez - San Diego, CA
See Oh Eyes - Isaias Crow - Werc Alvarez - San Diego, CA
Ancestors - L-R: Werc Alvarez - Max Moses - Isaias Crow - San Diego, CA
Homage to Our Ancestors - Isaias Crow - San Diego, CA

Homage to Our Ancestors - Isaias Crow - San Diego, CA
Con Ojo Indigena - L-R - Bounce - Werc - Codak - Erin Yoshi - Isaias Crow - Vyal - Los Angeles, CA
El Ojo del Todo - Isaias Crow - Los Angeles, CA
Wavelengths and Frequencies - Top - Bottom - Isaias Crow - Werc - Max Moses - Los Angeles, CA
The Urbanist - Isaias Crow - San Francisco, CA
Man of Faith - Isaias Crow - San Francisco, CA
 Man of Faith - Isaias Crow - San Francisco, CA
Extend Honor (Photo: Jim Prigoff) Isaias Crow - San Francisco, CA 
UnEarthing Love and Light Isaias Crow - San Jose, CA
 Christening/Branching from Within Isaias Crow - San Jose, CA
Nurture Your Family Isaias Crow - Santa Ana, CA

Messengers 2013

Messenger of Love & Light

SacRED Mother - Nurture Us 2013

Mother Nurtures - Child Blooms

Un-Earthed 2013

Aligning With My Calling